
Mechanical Enginner and Data Scientist
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Machine Learning Projects

The Battle of the Neighborhoods

Open Notebook

The objective of this project is analyse and explore an optimal location for a coffee shop. This is Capstone Project from IBM- Data Science where I got my Data Science professional certificate offered by Coursera.

Skills used:

You can find here a hands-on tutorial about this project.

Newspaper Headline Analysis and NLP

Open Notebook

The coronavirus was first notified in Wuhan (China) on December 31, 2020 covid timeline. The aim of the project is to see how long it took for the word COVID to gain relevance between January and July 2020. I collected the newspaper’s headline data through the New York Times newspaper API.

Skills used:

Data Visualization Projects

Indian Coal Mine Production

Open Tableau


Open Tableau

Dual Layer Map

Open Tableau

Finance Projects

Python and Ipywidgets to visualize future value with different tax rate

Open Notebook

Programming in python to show how to use Ipywidgets to visualize future value with different tax rates.

Time Series - ARIMA

Open Rmarkdown

The project, performed in R, shows important statiscal characteristics of a financial time series and how to forecast stock price movements.